Funny thing, trust.

Trust isn’t something that computer people are used to working with. It does not fit into an equation. While it’s easy to say that you do — or don’t – trust someone, the decision that lies behind those two states is far from logical, as I was all too forcefully reminded over this festive break (an ambiguous word: could mean “break” as in holiday or “break” as in psychotic episode).

My mailbox (which strictly speaking I should not have been checking) suddenly spiked with a series of messages from an old acquaintance whose major source of income these days is a single-interest website.

I’m sure you know the type: news pages, a forum, a blog… not unlike PC Pro, in fact, only with a much narrower topic scope. His site was down, he said, and he couldn’t find his webmaster. Could be in Milan; could be in Dubrovnik. Server is in Hannover. Nobody answering at the hosting centre…

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