The highly entertaining Twitter account purporting to be from Phil Spector has been revealed by its unidentified owner to be one of those naughty internet hoaxes. The anonymous - and really rather amusing - author revealed the jape with a tweet at 1pm GMT, confessing "I am NOT Phil SPector. I made this account as a joke. Befriending a cockroach? c'mon folks... even Phil's not that crazy." Well, we'd buy it, frankly - indeed the Reg took out a few credulity payments on it yesterday. Let the record show, however, that while we voiced a small note of scepticism (and confined ourselves to Bootnotes, the newspaper at the bottom of the vulture's cage), the greater portion of the face-egg must go to the Telegraph and indie news bastion among others who offered no such flimsy arse-coverage in their reports. 'Phil' went on to thank his followers and say that the whole thing had been meant as "a giggle", but also to point out, quite reasonably, that there is a lesson here:

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